Good evening, humble readers!

Alright, so I know that being 35 isn't truly old. I KNOW that. But, wow, have I ever been getting reminders that I'm not a spring chicken any more.
I have been colouring my hair for a lot of years. This hobbit's red hair is no where near my natural colour. I've always preferred to have red hair, but now it's more of a necessity... those pesky 'white' hairs have a way of shining through.
As I was doing my hair the other day, I made a mental note that it's getting close to time for me to get my roots done, and I could see a few 'white' strands mixed in with my natural colour. Alright, I can handle that. At least I didn't take after my bio-dad... by the time he was in his mid thirties, he definitely was more salt than pepper.
But in what world is it acceptable to have a wiry white hair that is almost an inch long growing out of my chin???? When did that happen? Why wasn't I consulted? And how in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks did I miss it when it was only a half inch?
And don't even get me started on the 'white' eyebrow hair I just tweezed tonight...
Good gravy... this isn't allowed to happen! Someone pass the Cen.trum Silver!!
(Cycle update: It's CD25 of a 27 day cycle. 11dpo. Temp spiked a bit yesterday, but then dropped again today. Still having a few phantom symptoms, but not as many now. I'm just not really feeling it this month, I don't think this was the one for us. I know it's not over until the witch shows up tho.)