Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Thought I Felt Crazy Yesterday?

Good Morning Humble Readers...

It's now CD29. I'm two days late. I'm two days past my normal luteal phase.

My temps dropped a bit today. But my bo.obs still hurt. I'm exhausted. I have some mild nausea.

The test this morning was negative again. Beyond negative. That white patch where the second line should be looked whiter than it was before I actually used it. Not even a hint of a line.

I don't know.


  1. Hoping, wishing, and praying for you. HUGS!

  2. Well shit! Either time will tell, or you'll have to talk someone into a beta. Your body's messing with you!

  3. Ugh! I know the frustration. Sending you love.

  4. Torture!! Fingers crossed for good news in the morning...

  5. sending prayers your way!


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