Howdy Humble Readers!

I have been very remiss. My lovely bloggy friend
Alana at Alana-isms gave me this award waaaaay back before Christmas, but I haven't done anything with it. Bad hobbit! So, thank you,
Alana! You rock!
As a part of the award I am to tell 7 random things about me. Hmmmm, what haven't I told you all? Let me think...
1. One of my guilty pleasures... I love a good hot dog. With mustard and onions, with cheese, with chili. Now, I am fairly particular about my hot dogs. All beef, preferably kosher (cause you know you won't be biting into something you shouldn't then), on a good squishy bun. Mmmmm...
2. It's a bit of a family joke, but I regularly end up wearing my food. Usually in the vicinity of my chest (also known as 'the shelf'). Which is part of the reason I am thankful for the oh-so-unfashionable vest that I wear at work. It covers those telltale spots. I also own several of those stain remover pen thingys.
3. One of my addictions... school supplies. I love pencils, pens, blank notebooks, paper clips, staples, binders... the works. I'm not allowed to go into an office supply store unaccompanied.
4. My first pet was a bird. I know, ironic huh? The hobbit who is terrified of birds actually had one as a pet. I don't really remember him/her. All I really know is that it died of a heart attack when we moved. Got a little over excited I guess.
5. I don't like books, movies, or tv shows that I know are going to make me cry. If I cry while watching/reading out of a true emotional response, that's one thing. But those authors or shows that are known to make you cry as a part of their regular formula (any of those makeover shows, Tou.ched by an An.gel types of shows, that Sh.oes song). I feel emtionally manipulated, and then I get mad.
6. I am rather competitive. I don't watch a lot of hockey or baseball or football, but when I do, I tend to get a little too into it. Tonight is the International Junior Hockey World final, between Canada and the US. I'm sorry, my humble readers from south of the border, but there will be some dark expletives heading your way should you get too far in front of our boys! ;)
7. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I procrastinate. We finally took down our tree yesterday (I had been planning on it for almost a week) and I still haven't vacuumed up the mess of needles on the floor. (Aren't artificial trees supposed to prevent this kind of mess?)
Now, I'm supposed to pass this award on to 7 other bloggers, but I have discovered in my recent rounds that most of my bloggy friends already have this one. Soooo... if you haven't gotten it, please consider yourself awarded. You are all beautiful in my book!
And please don't forget, it's Delurking week. I want to hear from you! :)