Hello humble readers...
Well, I believe I've turned a corner with the Crud. I'm pooped, tuckered, and generally wiped out, but breathing is much easier today. I am at the point where I'm sure that if my ears would just pop all would be pretty much well. Thank you all so much for your kind words and warm thoughts this week.
So, in my drug induced stupor this week I have spent most of my time curled up on our couch with my fuzzy blankets, multiple boxes of
triscuits (to scratch my throat), strawberry
popcicles, tissues, and industrial size jugs of OJ. I haven't been able to read because I can't seem to focus on the words on the page (which has also contributed to me being a bad
bloggy-friend this week too, so sorry everyone!), so of course I have been watching
waaaaay too much
tv. Star Trek, Rachel Ray, various home improvement shows, and of course
CSI (because it's on EVERYWHERE!) have all filled my hours.
Last night, when I was beginning to feel slightly human again, I got very excited because I realized that I was actually going to get to watch Bones. I have always loved that show, but with my work schedule and the changes in the
show's time slot, I haven't gotten to watch it all that often this year. So, I settled into the cushions, ready to enjoy a good and disgusting episode of dead bodies and the sexual tension between Booth and Bones.
The episode started off encouragingly. An extremely decomposed dead body in a wine cask. Fabulously gross! I actually had to turn away a few times. Okay, so cut to the obligatory relationship part of the show... Booth and Bones in Dr. Sweets' office for their weekly therapy session. And what does Bones say? 'I want to have a baby.'
The long and the short of it is... Bones decides she want to have a baby, but doesn't want the baggage of the 'ephemeral emotions' that go with doing things the old fashioned way. She, in her usual tactless, clueless way, tells Booth that she wants to have his baby because he is the ideal breeding partner. They then go through the whole bit about does he want to have a baby but not be the daddy... the whole time assuming that it's a given that she will get pregnant. At one point she even says 'I could be pregnant in a month'.
Not even taking into account that she has only decided that she wants to do this yesterday (in
tv-land), apparently she was already able to get in to a fertility specialist, has been
ok'd for
IVF, had Booth drop off his sample, had it analyzed (28 million, and he was proud... ha! some of my friends' hubbies in the
blogosphere can beat that without trying!) and found out that he has good motility. At the rate she was going, I was just waiting for the shot of her walking out of the bathroom at the Jeffersonian with a positive
hpt at the end of the show.
Talk about trivializing ART! I was so disgusted! I know that there is an overriding assumption out there that
IVF is an 'easy' option, but come on! I have always been so impressed with that
tv show... entertaining and yet nasty crime drama... lots of pseudo-science to keep me intrigued... but this just totally irked me! And I've never even gone through
IUI or
IVF. I was so offended, for myself as an infertile, and for all my friends who struggle month after month with this battle.
Shame on you, Bones! Shame on you!
(yes, I realize that it's just a tv show... but it still really bothered me)