Friday, November 27, 2009


Good Morning Humble Readers...

Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts. I did in fact test this morning and got a bfn.

Is it just me, or is there a direct correlation between how expensive an hpt is to how quickly you start feeling twinges of cramps after using it? I swear, the little control line hadn't even appeared when I had that first pinch of cramps.

But my b00bs still hurt (a lot), still feeling nauseous...

Let the insanity begin.


  1. ((((HUGS)))) I am so sorry.

  2. {{{Hugs}}} and I wish you had gotten better results.

  3. I'm sorry for your bfn. That stinks.

  4. Bfn's suck! Are you going to test again or wait it out? Been thinking of you lots lately...

  5. Hello, wandering in from IComLeavWe.

  6. Sorry you got bfn. Sending hugs and prayers your way. ;)

  7. Boo! I actually think it's a direct correlation between when you POAS and when the cramps start. I don't think the price is really a factor!

  8. So very sorry. A pox upon thee, stupid peestick. I had one point (for about 2-3 months) that I would get sore boobs before AF arrived. It never happened before and a few months later never happened again. Just a symptom to mess with you mind. I think the fey creatures try to play games with us.


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