Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Night Chit Chat: A Houseful of Sickies!

Hey Humble Readers...

So you may have (or probably not) noticed that I didn't get a Foodie Friday Post up this past week.  That's because Thursday afternoon the Crud landed in a big way on yours truly.  My Beloved had been suffering with it since last weekend, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  A head cold accompanied by a doozy of a headache and fever.  Not fun.  But I am feeling moderately improved, and my Beloved is almost over his bout.  Now if we could just get past two teething wee-lings with diaper rash who are having difficulties with the time change...
Pip falling asleep sitting up.  He was fighting it so hard.
Reading - Sad to say, I'm still reading Casual Vacancy.  I'm enjoying it, honest I am.  I just haven't been able to get much reading done this past week.  *sigh*  I need to get my butt in gear, I need to be re-reading the Hobbit soon!

Watching - Nothing much right now.  Later, once the wee-lings are asleep it will be my usual Sunday night fare... Call the Midwife and Upstairs Downstairs. 

Listening to - Ginny whispering secrets to her Daddy.  It's toooo cute!

Cooking/Baking - Lemon Dill Roasted Chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed veg (broccoli, cauliflower, & carrots), and yorkies.  It's Sunday!  Tomorrow I'm making up another big batch of applesauce in the slow cooker.  Ginny just flies through it, and with Pip starting solids soon we're just going to go through it faster.

Happy you accomplished this week - Sorted through most of Master Pippin's clothes.  He's completely outgrown his 3-6 month wardrobe.  There are a few holes to fill, but I think we're in pretty good shape right now.

Looking forward to next week - Re-establishing my daily to do lists.  I've gotten off track, but as of tomorrow morning, everything goes back to a routine.  It's the only way we'll get through the holidays.

Thankful for today - For the fact that my cold symptoms seem to be fading, for a warm chinook wind that's melting the snow, and for my Beloved who has let me be a whiny sack of snot for the last couple of days. 

What was your favourite show as a child? Tough one!  When I was really young Mr. Dress-up was the bomb!  When I got a little older (about 8 I think), I fell in love with Dr. Who... it was the doctor with the camel coloured coat, poofy hair, and the long scarf around his neck.  I remember it used to be on PBS and I would be very upset if I had to miss it (back in the days before VCRs, and decades before DVRs). 

This was posted as a part of Carla's Sunday Night Chit Chat.  Click on over and see what others are chatting about tonight!


  1. Oh no, sorry you guys are sick! I absolutely adore that sweet picture of Pip, though. OMG, he's a darling. I love this age, they are so stinkin' delicious! :)

  2. Sorry you've been sick!! Your dinner tonight sounds delicious. I'm curious your thoughts on Casual Vacancy...


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