Monday, June 27, 2011

Ginevra @ Seven Months

Hey Humble Readres...

Again, a too-long gap between posts, but I do have a few ideas for things to keep me on track.  I have plans and hopefully starting on Wednesday, I'll be able to put some of them into effect.

But in the mean time... it's that time of the month again (no, not AF, thank heaven!).  Ginny is officially 7 months old today.  I just can't believe it.  I swear to heaven above that I was just in the hospital in labour yesterday. 

Ginny is such a little person now.  She's outgrowing the baby stage so quickly.  I was actually just going through some pics from November when she was first born, and the changes are quite pronounced. 

It seems like she's always in motion.  She army crawls all over the house, and currently is infatuated with the tower fan we have in the living room.  She can't get into a sitting position on her own unless she's got something to hang onto (like the side of her crib), so she's developed this funny little lounging position. 

Just the other day, she decided that it was time to give Mommy a heart attack.  Because she hasn't been able to sit up on her own yet, we hadn't lowered her crib mattress and we still had the bassinett level in the play pen.  The other day, I had set her down in the play pen and after a few moments she started playing peekaboo with me.  I was taking some pics of her looking like that little cartoon Kilroy dude, and then all of a sudden, she just STOOD UP!  I was snapping pictures and ended up dropping the camera and diving across the room to grab her before she took a tumble.  Now she's trying to pull herself up all over the place. 

We started her on solid food a month ago and she loves most of it.  Her favourites are avacado and banana, and she's not so fond of carrots.  Every meal time is an adventure now.  There was one particular occasion when she had a mouthful of avacado and then sneezed.  I ended up covered in the green sticky mash.  Ick!

One glorious side effect of being on solid food is that Ginevra now naps during the day.  It's been quite some time since that happened.  She usually goes down for a long nap in the morning (about 2 hours) and then a shorter one (45 minutes to an hour) in the afternoon.  Quite often I will cuddle with her in our bed for her morning nap, and I will read while she sleeps.  The thing that I love most is the way she fits perfectly snuggled up against me.

In terms of weight gain and growth... well, I'm not really sure.  We go to the doctor and for her six months shots (yes, I'm late) on Wednesday, so we'll find out then.  I'm pretty sure that she hasn't gained much weight in the last few weeks, likely due to the fact that she's so active.  I do think she's gotten a fair bit taller though.  It's been hard to gauge her growth since we stopped using the cloth diapers, because I got so used to her big padded behind.  I can't use her clothes as a gauge any longer because many of them got stretched out by the cloth diapers. 
Her hair is still a point of amusement.  She's sporting a kind of reverse male pattern baldness.  The hair she had at birth around the sides and back fell out but the mop on top is still original.  I've taken to putting it up in a Pebbles Flintstone-esque pig tail.  The really humourous thing is when I take the hair elastic out, it often still stands on end.  The colour changes daily, definitely much lighter than when she was born, varying from light brown to blonde to red. 

She's more vocal now than what she was a month ago.  Her laughs are still rare, but slightly more frequent now.  I often find her, in the morning, talking to the two stuffed bears that reside in her crib.  I can't help but wonder what stories she's telling them. 
Well, Humble Readers... the hour grows late, and our wee girl will be up with the sun.  Thank you all for your comments on the last post.  I so appreciate your support and kind words. 


  1. A-dor-a-ble!

    Oh my, she is the most gorgeous thing.

  2. You have to stop doing this. Her baby pictures send my baby lust into overdrive. She is just gorgeous.

  3. Oh my word what an animated little beauty you have! She is so photogenic!

  4. She is beautiful, and so clever! Neither of my children crawled until 9 months, or stood until 12 months! You must be feeding her up with lost of brain food! xxx

  5. Love the Ginny update. : ) The pictures are fabulous and I have to be honest, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I think most popel think their babies are so cute blah blah blah, but yours honestly just IS!!

  6. She is so adorable ;)


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