Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hobbit-ish Potpurri: Has Spring Sprung?

Good Morning Humble Readers...

Welcome to all who are visiting from ICLW!  I'm sorry that there was no nifty little intro post yesterday.  Our wee sweet girl and I had a rough day yesterday (just general fussiness and fighting sleep) and by the time that I had time to actually post, my brain was too mushy to come up with something fun. 

So, has spring sprung where you are?  I've been reading blog posts from some of my friends that talk about warmer weather and being able to fling open windows to allow the springtime breezes in.  And I am sick with jealousy!  This winter is never going to end for us here on the frozen flatland.  While it has warmed up a bit (no longer in the deep deep freeze), we are still below seasonal temps and it's been snowing since Sunday, and it's not expected to stop until sometime Thursday.  Ugh!  The killer is, just over a week ago, we were given a taste of the good life... temps above freezing and the ginormous piles of snow were melting.  It's enough to make a hobbit want to pull her hair out. 

Ginevra has started to play with some of her toys.  It's really awesome to watch her awareness change when she's holding her set of plastic keys or her squeaky elephant.  She's also developed a fondness for being sung to... which is a challenge.  I don't remember many children's songs, so I end up singing 'Frerre Jacques' (I'm sure that's spelled wrong) over and over again. 

I've been struggling a bit getting back into the bbt charting habit.  It's amazing to me that it used to be second nature to reach for my thermometer before anything else in the morning, and now I invariably forget until I've gotten up to go pee. 

We went down to my MIL's place on the weekend.  We had a great visit, but it's apparent that she's becoming more and more like a stereotypical senior citizen.  She's still very active, always coming and going, but things are changing.  When my FIL was alive, they always ate earlier than what I was used to (no later than 5:30), but now she eats dinner between 4 and 4:30.  Oy! 

I know I've mentioned before that I have moved a lot in my life (59 or 60 homes in three countries, three provinces and three states).  Because of my very mobile past, every now and then I start to get the itch that it's time to move.  I confess that the itch has been making itself known over the past few weeks.  I've found myself looking at real estate listings, and dreaming about a three bedroom, two bath town house with a finished basement, a teeny yard, near to schools and a park. 

I have a ton of stuff on my to do list for today, so I should sign off.  Laundry, housework, baking and maybe a bit of crafting if I get the chance... What's on your to do list for the day?


  1. You really want to know my to-do list for today? Ha! Today it feels like spring has sprung, and it's much warmer than where you are, but we've had rain and rain and then more rain. And it's supposed to start raining again later today. And keep raining through the weekend. Boo!

    It is SO much fun when they start playing with toys - you have tons of fun stuff coming in the next few months!

  2. My to-do list:
    Try to fix my DVD reader on my laptop so I can upload Microsoft Office so I can update my resume/cover letter and finally start applying to jobs like a madwoman and get a JOB!

    Must pay the bills and buy the groceries!

  3. If I could actually focus enough to make a to-do list I am sure it would be pretty long! One thing I really need to do is order a new power cord for my laptop. Mine is dead (at least I hope it is the cord and not the part inside the laptop).

    You could always move a little further south :) I hope it starts to warm up soon for you. Until then I'll soak up some of the rays from down here and send them your way.

  4. It is so cute and awesome to be singing to the baby...

    My plans include removing the nail-paint from my toes and hopefully, wanting to click on my thesis files.

  5. Great post! I have wanderlust too, but for different reasons. I lived in the same house for most of my childhood, and I have a desire to see new places!

    My to-do list for today? Sleep, relax, knit.

  6. List? Is THAT what I'm supposed to do? Oh crap....*that's* what I've been doing wrong. ;-) Oh and totally get the BBT thang...took me forever to get back into the swing (actually...I'm still working on that).

  7. Hi there! I'm new to your blog from ICLW - I love your daughter's name; it's beautiful.

    My to do list for today included wine (check), laundry (We're getting there), kitchen (almost), and reading blogs (working on that too). Oh, and I'm supposed to do some sort of physical activity today - running or walking the dog or something. We'll see about that last one there.

  8. hope you were able to get everything on your to do list done! And just remember moving means PACKING! LOL!!! :)

  9. Thank you for visiting!! Your little girl is beautiful!!!!

  10. My to-do list was not very clear this morning, and that has resulted in a less-than-productive day. Wrote a poem for writer's workshop, researched some magazines, and took my son to gymnastics. :-) Stopping in from ICLW.

  11. what I want to know is where the hell is it spring? Who are these lucky people?? That's where i want to move to! Maybe I have the moving itch too? LOL!
    I haven't been doing BBT either for over a month. Don't really miss it and not sure if I could get back into the habit again? I feel like I need a break, especially after the surgery.
    I think we need some more pics of lil Ginny! ;)


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