Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making Progress

Good Morning Humble Readers...

So, I've done it. 

I've put away the bbt thermometer. 

It was hard, that thermometer has been my first 'to do' every morning for more than a year.  It seems like an obvious step, but it was challenging because it means that I'm accepting that this pregnancy might just be ok. 

All my symptoms have developed into a pretty consistent pattern.  I'm tired almost all day long.  I'm peeing more during the day and a lot at night (every two hours).  The nausea/morning sickness seems to be the worst in the late morning/early afternoon (but peppermint tea seems to help a bit).  My b00bs... oh heavens they hurt (and like I needed them to get bigger...).

All in all, I'm going okay with everything.  It still hasn't really sunk in that this is real.  I'm feeling like I'm still holding my breath a bit and that I won't be able to take a real deep breath until the ultrasound.  13 days! 


  1. Continued good thoughts for you!! Putting away the BBT is a big step!! :)

  2. Good for you!! :) Big step indeed! Can't wait for the positive u/s news when you post!

    p.s. Let me know if you are going to consider selling your OV Watch... I am interested. :)

  3. Wow! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! Good luck! ;-)

  4. This is great news, sweetie. You definitely ARE making progress. I can't wait for the scan either. Just keep your spirits up til then, you are doing great :)

  5. WTG :)
    Keep breathing...I know its hard and scary but you can do it! 13 days :)

  6. Hooray!!! Now, breathe!


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