Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lady Anxiety, Meet Mrs. Nerves

Good Evening Humble Readers...

When has a week ever gone by so slowly? 

Emotionally, I'm feeling more positive these days, as the m/s has re-emerged as my new diet plan.  Not to worry, I haven't lost any significant weight, but considering the crazy bloating, constipation, and water retention, I would think that I would be regaining all that I lost back in February and March.  As of this morning I have only gained a pound and a half.  And given my size, I can fluctuate three times that on any given day.  I guess there's not a lot of calories in crackers and watermelon.

I'm feeling more nervous now, rather than anxious (I know... there's a difference there?).  It's a bit more excited nerves.  But it's still affecting my sleep... I haven't slept a full night in bed in more than two weeks.  I wake up after a few hours to pee, and then my brain kicks in and I can't get back to sleep... so I end up watching NCIS reruns until I fall asleep on the couch.  My poor Beloved feels that I've abandoned him. 

At the suggestion of a lady on one of the message boards I frequent, I watched some 8wk ultrasound videos on YouTube.  I think it helps me to have something to visualize rather than replaying those times with the blank screen. 

I still have to get through Monday and most of Tuesday morning. I have several things on my to do list for tomorrow as distractions... clean the living room and kitchen, reorganize the linen closet (which I was going to do on Friday), and purge my share of the bookshelves.

36 hours and counting.


  1. I haven't been around, b/c I hadn't been online, but I'm thinking of you!! xoxo

  2. I am so excited and nervous for you. Thinking of you and sending up a prayer.

  3. sending hugs out to you. you've got to sleep though!

  4. Will be thinking of you tomorrow!!!

    As to the weight gain... I'm a bit larger than you (365 pounds to be exact), and will be 20 weeks on Friday and my net gain to date is: 0. Actually, according to my primary (not my OB), I'm down two from a few days before ov through today. Depending on how sick you get and how much you can keep down, you may even lose a couple pounds in the first trimester (I was down 6 at one point). I have been worried about this, but my primary is also a bigger lady (I'd say in the 250'ish range) and she said she gained ten pounds towards the end, but didn't gain at all in the first and second trimesters.

    It's amazing how much such a tiny little being can ramp up your body's burn factor.

  5. I just wanted to wish you lots and lots of luck at your ultrasound (and in getting through the hours until then - they are so very hard). I hope that screen is filled with a healthy, growing bean!!


  6. Just wanted you to know I'm sending LOTS of thoughts and prayers your way today. Big hugs!!!


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