Friday, March 19, 2010

Holding Pattern

Good Morning Humble Readers...

(Cue the Jeopardy theme music)

I'm still very hopeful, and all my signs are pointing to me being pregnant. (temps still going up, all usual suspects... very painful b00bs, nausea, tired, bionic nose, hungry, mild tugging cramps).  None of my usual pre-AF symptoms.  I did test again yesterday before I left for work on another brand of test (the Zellers brand) and got the same result... very faint positive.

We went out and bought a bunch of tests last night, and this morning I PIAC.  Let's just say, the tests weren't my friend.  I tried an FRER first... and initially it looked like a negative but a few minutes later. (less than 10) there was a super faint line (I did try to take a pic, but the line didn't show up).  FRER has never really been my friend, not working nicely for me until AF was late.  I decided to use one of the CB digitals... the test was a total dud!  Got the little hourglass symbol, but then nothing one way or the other.  Argh!

At this point, I am considering myself PUPO.  My OB won't send me for a blood test until AF is late, so I'm going to harrass him on Monday.  Right now, I need to get my lazy self off the couch and into the shower.  I NEED to go to Costco today and our cupboards are looking really bare. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive through this... your comments mean the world to me (not to mention make me laugh)!  I love this community and all my bloggy friends! 

Please keep everything crossed and keep praying.


  1. *hugs* thinking of you and sending prayers out.

  2. All fingers and toes are firmly crossed... KUP!

  3. Thinking of you and thinking POSITIVE!! :)

  4. Everything remains crossed for you!!!

  5. How awesome! Continuing to cross all phalanges....and I'll braid my hair for you tomorrow! ;) Hugs!

  6. Fingers, toes, wood knocked on, salt thrown behind shoulders (i figure both ones just to be sure).

  7. oh how I miss costco, our first store opened up this year 2000+kms from my home :(

    keeping everything crossed for you

  8. Still crossed and praying! See you got another positive test this morning! Can we see a pic of that one?? Things are looking good! Maybe you want to retire the OV Watch so I can buy it from you?? [Seems like it is good luck, LOL!]


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