Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Break in the Weather

It's raining... thank Heaven!

Isn't it amazing how we can't be happy with the weather we get? Just a couple of weeks ago I was wondering if summer would ever actually get here. Now, after two weeks of 30+ degree weather I'm ready for a break.

Of course it could be that I want our un-air-conditioned condo to cool down. It could be that I want to be able to sleep at night.

It's supposed to be cooler all this week. But come next weekend it's supposed to crank back up again. *sigh*

I promise I will post something far more interesting tomorrow... including pictures... I promise.


  1. It rained here for 2 days. It has been in the 90s. Ugg, hate it.

  2. enjoy the rain... it's 90+ here and hitting 100 tomorrow! Ugh! I loathe HOT weather, that's why I never left here!

  3. The rain is so refreshing, isn't it?

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment on my blog during ICLW. I had intended to be a *much* better commenter during ICLW week...but then was hit with tragedy. =(

    I am so sorry for your two miscarriages. I cannot begin to imagine the pain. I pray that your journey ends in beautiful, precious baby.

    Wishing you peace...

  4. I've been on vacation - just got back and love the new template!

    Very flattering. :o)


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