Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hobbit-ish Potpurri: Spring Fever

Howdy Humble Readers...

Spring fever indeed.  Ginny and I are both suffering with the crud... sinus congestion, hacking cough.  Ginny seems to be okay most of the time, until she throws a tantrum (she is two, after all) or eats something.  Me, on the other hand... oy.  So much for a fun extra long weekend. 

The crud has been taking it's toll on my new exercise routine.  There's no way I can walk 6km+ when I'm hacking up a lung.  And quite frankly, I don't have the energy to do it.  It's also wreaking havoc on my stick-to-it-ivness as far as the diet is concerned.  I haven't given in yet, but it's getting harder.  All I want are my old comfort foods... potatoes, fries, pasta, bread (and not just my low carb stuff.  I want a thick slab of brioche with strawberry jam).  MUST.  STAY.  STRONG.  I've even relaxed my self-imposed ban on artificial sweeteners, just to help manage the pressing need for sweet.  Diet Dr. Pepper, anyone?  The lack of exercise, and the cold itself are making an impression on my blood sugars, not for the better. 

Are all toddlers/preschoolers more than a little bit OCD?  Or is it just Ginny?  I swear it's getting worse.  The toys from her farm set CANNOT intermingle with her toys from her airplane set.  And heaven help Pippin if he messes with her tea set or picnic basket once she gets them set up.  Certain books have to be on particular shelves (ok, she may have gotten that from her mummy) or she will throw a fit.  Meal times can be a challenge at the best of times (where oh where did my good little eater go?), and if she gets the wrong colour utensil or plate?  Yikes!  Please tell me this is a phase. 

A couple of you asked, so here it is... my thoughts on the new Star Trek movie.  I loved it!  (Technical difficulties at the theater notwithstanding... ended up getting a free movie pass because the sound was messed up so I can go see it again.  With my Beloved this time.)  I thought that it was spectacularly well done, and the story was awesome.  Like the first in this reboot series, it's very accessible to new Trek fans, and still honours the original.  I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but there are some great tributes to the original series.  And of course, the eye candy in the movie is outstanding.  :)  I never would have thought that I would find a Vulcan attractive.

I've given up on "The Purchase" by Linda Spalding.  I got 150 pages in, and it was just too depressing.  I swear, if I wanted to read about Job I would read about him in the Bible.  Life is too short to read boring maudlin books.  I've moved on to "Shepherd's Abiding" by Jan Karon (second to last in the Mitford series), and I picked up a couple of books at the library yesterday that I'm looking forward to reading... "Lost Art Of Mixing" by Erica Bauermeister and "Winter Palace" by Eva Stachniak.   What are you reading right now? 

It was supposed to stay nice all day today, but the clouds are rolling in.  I would guess that we're in for some rain earlier than anticipated.  It suits how I'm feeling.  Maybe once the wee-lings are settled for their afternoon naps, I'll get a chance to curl up on the couch with my book and a cup of tea. 


  1. I hope you gals feel better soon!

  2. Man, sickness sucks! Yes, toddlers in general are OCD. At least my little Turtle is. Tadpole not so much - she's much more of a free spirit. They are going in and out of pickiness, so I don't know if it's something that will become worse, or if it's just a day-by-day kind of thing. A lot of times, they want what I'm eating (i.e. they usually have cheerio-type cereal with milk for breakfast and I have grape-nuts with plain yogurt, but now that's what they want, too). I'm going to see Star Trek in IMAX 3D on Friday! I'm so excited! I know nothing at all about this particular movie, so I'm glad to hear a good review. And right now I'm reading a book about bicycling and urban design in Amsterdam. Not super exciting, but between the bookstore and the thrift store I've picked up about 12 new books in the last few days, so I've got a lot on my plate. Have you read The Dovekeepers? I LOVED that book. If you like historical fiction, I highly recommend it.

  3. Ohhh, I've got the crud too! It sucks! Big time!! I can't wait to see Star Trek. As soon as I'm feeling better, I will be at the theater!!! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I think all toddlers are a bit OCD. I remember Marty very precisely lining up his fire trucks in a perfectly straight line across the living room floor.

    I LOVE the Mitford series. Did you know that Mitford is based on a real town here in North Carolina?

    Hope y'all feel better soon.

  5. Feel better soon. I haven't seen the new Star Trek movie yet. I prefer to wait until the theaters empty out a bit. But I think husband is due for a movie this weekend if we get our chores done.

  6. Here from ICLW. Yeah, all toddlers have a bit of OCD, but definitely in different ways. My son certainly has no care or concern for what toys go where (a big pile strung through the house is his preference), but he definitely has to have things done in a certain order or way.

    I am looking forward to see the new Star Trek movie. I'm a fellow (albeit minor) trekkie here, more of a Next Gen girl (love me some Picard).

  7. Hope you and Ginny are feeling better! Boooo to feeling sick. Don't get discouraged though my friend, you've been doing so well with your walking and eating. Keep it up! Look that crud in the eye and say, I'm going to beat you!!
    We tried to see Star Trek the other night on inundate night but there were only seats in the very front left. No thanks!!


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