Friday, September 28, 2012

Hobbit-ish Potpurri: Quickie Style

Hey Humble Readers...

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I promise.  My sad little laptop is still with the computer doctors (hopefully it will be home tomorrow... pretty please with sugar on top!).  Life has continued to go on around the hobbit hole, but it has been very challenging to be computer-less.  We have a desk top unit, which is what my Beloved usually uses, but due to how it's situated in our living room, I'm not able to use it when the wee-lings are up and about as I would have to have my back to the room.  And in the evening, well, I have been spending time with my Beloved and watching all the season premiers that have been on this week.

Icky-grossness of the week... a robin managed to fly itself smack into our balcony window.  It was early-ish this morning, and I still had the curtains closed, so I didn't see it happen (THANK HEAVENS), but now there is a dead robin on our balcony.  For those of you who are new to the hobbit hole, you need to know that I am a serious ornithophobe.  I am 100% terrified and grossed out by anything with feathers and anything that flies.  So, needless to say, I'm not going out on the balcony until that thing is gone, and nothing in my house is allowed to touch it, so my Beloved has a job ahead of him tonight figuring out how to get it gone.

Please send prayers/good thoughts my Beloved's way this afternoon.  He has a job interview in just over an hour.  This is the first serious nibble he's gotten since he started putting out his resume almost 6 months ago.

Pippin went for his 4 month vaccinations on Wednesday and he did really well.  Didn't start to cry until the nurse was almost done with the second of three needles.  He currently weighs in at 16lb 8oz, and is 25.5inches long.  He's already more than doubled his birth weight, and is currently sitting solidly in the 75th percentile on the growth charts.  He's been a bit grumpy and sleeping a bit more than usual for the last couple of days, but that's to be expected.

Ginny is learning her numbers and letters with wild abandon.  Every time she sees a number or a letter, we have to name it for her, and she is constantly counting her toys and books.

Pip is getting tired of being in his jumper-thingy so I have to run.  Hope to be back here very soon!


  1. OMG Pippin is bigger than Raegan and he's only 4 months old!!! My little pipsqueak has got to start growing!! Though I admit I'm in no rush for her to be bigger....I'm thoroughly enjoying her compact

  2. My cat brought in a dead squirrel he caught this week. Had to wait until mr Jem got home to go into that room. Yuck!!!!

  3. Ooh! I hope the job interview went well!

    Ruby started counting a little bit just the other day. She said, "1, 2, 3....1..." I was like, "Whaaaa??" It's crazy how quickly they pick stuff up!

  4. I'm behind on my blog reading / commenting from having my FET last week, but it was good to read an update from you! Sorry to hear your computer went out of commission just after your household was on the mend from all their ailments. Hopefully, things will only get better from here. :)

  5. Hey, I don't have an email or anything to contact you, but I realized I haven't seen a post from you in a while...hope all is well and as always keeping you and your family in my thoughts....Wanted you to know I was thinking about you!


Hobbits are social creatures, and love hearing from friends old and new. Pull up a comfy chair and let's get to know one another.