Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hobbit-ish Potpurri: A Glorious Summer Evening

Hey Humble Readers...

Here on the flatland we have been subjected to some wild weather for the last several days.  Ranging between scorching hot, to 100km/hr winds, to hail and torrential rains.  It's been extreme.  But tonight, it seems to have passed, and it is a beautiful summer's eve.  And it's quiet... so refreshing.  Tomorrow is set to bring on a new heat wave, although nothing like that which some of my friends to the south and east have been dealing with. 

This week has been a bit challenging, energy-wise, as Pippin has hit his 8 week growth spurt.  Last night was certainly no exception.  I wasn't able to fall asleep until after 1am, and of course the wee little mister was awake and starving at 2:10am.  And then he was awake again at 3:30, at 4:42, and at 6am.  Thank the good Lord that Ginny went down for a nap early this morning, so I was able to get about an hour and a half of sleep. 

I am happy to say that after two and a half days of serious discomfort, followed by two days of just feeling slightly icky and tender, my milk has dried up sufficiently for me to go without nursing pads.  No more pumping for me.  Other than the pain, I've had a couple of headaches and dizzy spells... I wonder if this process affected my blood pressure negatively or if it just made me a little 'off'.  I'm feeling fine now, and I'm sooooo amazingly excited to be able to sleep without a bra tonight!  BTW, the whole cabbage thing really does work... wrapping your bo.obs in cabbage leaves to relieve pain and engorgement.  It's amazing.  So the wee little mister got 7 and a half weeks of almost 50% breast milk.  I'm okay with that. 

Because of my lack of energy, and the pain in my bo.obs for the last few days, I haven't done anything in the way of exercise.  I MUST get back in gear. 

As a result of the crazy weather over the last few days, I think my tomato plant has bit the big one.  It had all kinds of flowers on it, and now they're all gone.  The leaves are all battered and looking pathetic.  Oddly, my two pots of herbs that live on either side of the tomato plant have survived just fine.  Go figure. 

While we all enjoyed our outing to the wildlife park on the weekend, but sadly, my Beloved, Ginny, and I are all covered in mosquito bites.  Pippin managed to avoid them by being in the back of the stroller and being almost completely covered from head to toe most of the morning.  Even so, it was so worth it to see her face when we first saw the tigers. 

On the schedule for this weekend is to go to a local historic farm... Ginny will go nuts seeing a real cow close up. 

An update on my parents:  While we (my sister and I) were marginally hopeful that things may work out, it appears that is not in the cards.  Every day brings a new and astounding level of frustration, hurt, and outright anger.  Our 'family vacation' in K-town this month is sure to be a barrel of laughs.  My sister and I are planning on drowing our sorrows in some spiked iced tea, as we are sure to be facing some pretty ugly moments out there.  Ugh.  I hate this. 

Hoping that all my friends in the US had a fun and safe Independance Day!


  1. Give your tomato plant time, it may still pull itself out of it. :) And the family vacation... you are a better person than I am. I would absolutely NOT go. In fact, I'd invite my sister to come and stay at my house instead and have a stay-cation with her. Of course, I'd also plead the excuse of a newborn, and illness, and whatever else I could think of... and then say that things are SO bad that I NEED my sister to be there too... thus giving her an easy out. Even if no one believes it. Why sit through all the drama? Get drunk at home and laugh about what you would've been dealing with. *hugs* Good luck!

  2. Oh yay! I hope she enjoys the farm! Ruby loved the cows, the chickens, everything! Have fun with that :)

  3. Isn't the weather nuts??? Glad the weaning is ok! Good to know about the cabbage leaves. I don't look forward to weaning the baby because of how full I feel after he doesn't eat for a few hours! Love the pic!


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