Howdy Humble Readers...
Do you know how to tell if you're a bad bowler? If your three year old daughter beats you. Yes, she had the bumpers up, but she still kicked my butt.
Ginny and I spent the afternoon at the local bowling alley with a bunch of families from our Sunday School. It was a lot of fun and Ginny was hysterical. Waiting for her balls to get to the pins was painful, and once an employee had to come and clear two balls from right in the middle of the lane. Even so, she still managed to knock down more pins than I did. Oh man...
This past week has been a bit on the challenging side. I have had PMS from hell. Not that I was terribly grouchy... there were moments, but not constant. It was all the other stuff... particularly the water retention and the back ache. I thought I was going to lose my mind, not to mention that it was very frustrating when I was just getting back on track with some exercise to see all that weight come back (even though I know it was just water).
Other highlights from the week... taking the wee-lings for hair cuts (Pippin looks like such a big boy with his hair so short), introducing the wee-lings to people at my Beloved's office, and having some success with a new approach to Pip's diaper issues (we are now putting his diaper on backwards and taping it).
On to this week's chit chat. What...
Are you reading? I put American Heiress on hold temporarily as my copy of my friend J.R. Vikse's new book arrived the other day. Fictions Of Questionable Length is an interesting collection of short stories and poems that J.R. has written over the course of the past six years. Definitely eclectic and surprising (especially since I know the author), the stories have something for everyone. If you want to check it out, you can order it via Amazon.
Are you watching: A documentary about the Tower of London on PBS. Also recording Once Upon a Time, and Believe.
Are you looking forward to this week: Hopefully getting to see my mom on Saturday. We'll see if we are able to make that happen.
Is one thing you did last week that you don't want to repeat this week: I didn't work out once all week. The intense (read: excruciating) back ache that dogged me all week put the kibosh on any serious physical activity.
Was your best moment over the last week? Pippin, this morning, completely responding to our clean up song by putting toys away. Shows that he was not only paying attention, but understood what I was asking for and was able to comply. He also got into sharing the peace at church (the part in our liturgy when we shake hands with those around us and say "Peace be with you"), and would put out his hand to shake whenever I said "Peace be with you".
Is your #1 goal for next week? Fitness! A multi-pronged goal... early morning workouts (get in 5), drink my water every day (120 oz each day), walking/marching for 15-20 minutes following each meal.
Song can't you get out of your head? The theme song from Peg + Cat (a kids show on PBS that Ginny loves).
Best/Worst financial decision over the last week? Best - kept my grocery bill under budget. Worst - Two trips to Tim Horton's this week. Completely unnecessary. Both nutritionally and financially.
Is something that you'd like to learn to do? I'd like to learn how to make jewelry... the wire wrapped kind. I like so much of it when I see it at the farmer's market, but it's so pricey. I'd like to see how much it would cost for me to make it.
This was posted as a part of Carla's Sunday Night Chit Chat. Please click over and check out what others are chatting about tonight.
While I might not be a hobbit genetically, I do believe that I am one culturally. A homebody at heart, with a fear of (but slight craving for) adventure, who values simple things like good food, good books, and good friends. Chronicling the journey of the unlikely pairing of a Hobbit and an Ent, who have travelled down the road through infertility & RPL, toward building our family. We've come a long way, and now with two precious wee-lings in tow, our road goes ever on and on...
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Tearing My Hair Out
Hey Humble Readers...
I know I have brought this up before, but Pippin is going to drive me around the bend. I love my wee Mister to death, but there are certainly times when I'm not his biggest fan.
He has, for quite some time, been taking his clothes at the drop of a hat. And after the clothes are off, his diaper is quick to follow. Then we end up with varying degrees of disgusting messes to clean up.
There are some factors to take into consideration when I think about why he's doing this.
We have been using packing tape on his diapers for months now. I don't like it... it's inconvenient, not to mention time consuming, and I'm always concerned about the adhesive coming in contact with his skin.
But now the little stinker has managed to figure out how to take his diaper off, even with a double strapping of tape around his waist. Hence the tearing out my hair scenario.
I don't dare say anything about it to my mom because she'll start in on how he's ready to start potty training (and beyond the saga that is my potty training experience with Ginny, and how I'm not interested in starting down that road with Pip just yet, but really, how would I go about potty training a little boy who is only just beginning to communicate in basic form?). Potty training is also the consensus on most of the mommy message boards I've perused.
I'm going to try a set of footie pjs put on backwards tomorrow at naptime. Do any of you have any other suggestions?
I love my little boy, and I don't want to wish away this age, but man oh man I cannot wait until we are DONE with diapers.
I know I have brought this up before, but Pippin is going to drive me around the bend. I love my wee Mister to death, but there are certainly times when I'm not his biggest fan.
He has, for quite some time, been taking his clothes at the drop of a hat. And after the clothes are off, his diaper is quick to follow. Then we end up with varying degrees of disgusting messes to clean up.
There are some factors to take into consideration when I think about why he's doing this.
- His eczema flares up regularly around his ankles and his waist, so I know that pants aren't his best friend right now. He rarely wears socks for this reason, but I don't feel I have that option with pants... might not go over well out in public. Not to mention that it is still winter-like out there.
- He has recently gone through a growth spurt so many of his pants and jeans are snug around his waist (and I'm trying not to have to buy him more pants so close to the end of winter).
- It almost always happens when he is bored. This is usually when he's in the playpen or the crib. I do try to limit the playpen time for him, but I feel forced to choose between keeping him safe and contained when I have to leave the room or am cooking etc, and having a potential mess to clean up. He always has toys to play with in the playpen, but only a soft book and a stuffie in the crib at naptime.
- Sharing a room with Ginny means that naptime rarely includes a nap. They both need a rest, and if they get a little bit of quiet time that's better than nothing. But Ginny has been caught not only egging Pip on while he removes his diaper, but actively helping in diaper removal and the finger painting that follows.
We have been using packing tape on his diapers for months now. I don't like it... it's inconvenient, not to mention time consuming, and I'm always concerned about the adhesive coming in contact with his skin.
But now the little stinker has managed to figure out how to take his diaper off, even with a double strapping of tape around his waist. Hence the tearing out my hair scenario.
I don't dare say anything about it to my mom because she'll start in on how he's ready to start potty training (and beyond the saga that is my potty training experience with Ginny, and how I'm not interested in starting down that road with Pip just yet, but really, how would I go about potty training a little boy who is only just beginning to communicate in basic form?). Potty training is also the consensus on most of the mommy message boards I've perused.
I'm going to try a set of footie pjs put on backwards tomorrow at naptime. Do any of you have any other suggestions?
I love my little boy, and I don't want to wish away this age, but man oh man I cannot wait until we are DONE with diapers.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Sunday Night Chit Chat: Pity Party Of One
Hey Humble Readers...
I know it's been a while. A long while. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and haven't really felt like I've had much of anything worthwhile to say. But now, after a week of sunshine and warm temps that have the huge mounds of snow in retreat, I'm beginning to feel a bit better about things. My eagerness for spring to get here always makes the dregs of winter a bit unbearable.
We seemed to have a stretch of bad luck for a while that didn't help my overall outlook. My Beloved and I were in a car accident (no one was injured, thank Heaven) that caused more than $5000 damage to Tilly the Toyota. I've had issues with AF, coming both late and early, with extended stretches of my PMS symptoms which makes things very uncomfortable (seriously, this month my PMS symptoms started right after ovulation and have just gotten more and more intense each day). My back and bo.obs are killing me, I've had a lot of IBS flares, and I'm not the most pleasant person to be around. And then to top it all off, on Friday night when I was doing my grocery shopping, I dropped my phone (only had it since December) and the glass totally cracked and spidered. It's going to cost almost $300 to fix it. The touch screen still works, but I'm hesitant to use it much until we can afford to fix it.
Things, however, are not all bad.
Pippin is a part of what has me feeling better about things in general. While he still isn't talking, there have been some great steps forward. He used his first hand sign (he said "No" to my Beloved just over a week ago), and often will actually say "buh-buh" and wave when one of us leaves. He claps a lot, does this funny little stomp-shuffle thing whenever I say "dancin'?" to him. He now can point out his ears and his toes when asked, and he is generally a lot more vocal than he was a month ago. Still a very long way to go, but it gives me hope that the road might not be quite as long as I originally thought.
Ginny also had a big accomplishment this week. She has been a thumb-sucker almost from the get-go. I remember when she was very small she would put her thumb in her mouth, with her palm to her nose, and tap her fingertips on her forehead. It was adorable. But a three year old who sucks her thumb isn't quite as adorable. We have been working on 'no thumbs' for a while now, and this past week she went all week without sucking her thumb during the day (at night will take longer, I know). As a reward for working so hard, she and I had a date-day yesterday. We ran some errands together, went to a 'grown-up' restaurant (Denny's) where she got to have pancakes for lunch which she thought was amazing, did a little shopping (got her some rubber boots so she can splash in the puddles), and then went to a little cupcake bakery for a treat.
On to this week's chit chat. Here's what I'm... (Ooops... I wrote my post before Carla posted her's and she has new all questions this week. I'll jump on the new questions next week.)
Reading - Right now I'm reading a Downton-esque novel called "The American Heiress". I only just started it, so I have high hopes for it. I just finished "The Dressmaker", a novel which follows the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic. The main character is a wannabe designer who works as a pseudo-secretary for Lady Duff Gordon (infamously the one woman in the lifeboat with only 12 passengers when it could have held 50). The story about the inquiries and the public outcry after the Titanic sunk was fascinating, but the romantic parts were a bit weak in my estimation (3 out of 5 hairy hobbit-toes).
Watching - Being Sunday, and no Downton for a very long time, I will be watching Once Upon A Time. I may also record Resurrection. We'll see what happens.
Listening To - Pippin is playing with his remote control car that keeps saying "I'm a little racer." Over, and over, and over, and over, and... you get the idea.
Cooking/Baking - Lots of good things on the menu this week. Tonight is Italian pot roast with mashed taters, roasted green beans, and Yorkshire puddings. Tomorrow night is true Shepherds' Pie (made with lamb!) and mint chocolate chip ice cream pie, in honour of St. Patty's day. Later in the week I'm making chicken paprikash (my special 1/2 birthday gift to myself).
Happy I Accomplished This Week - Got in 5 days of work outs. Yay! The scale hasn't moved in a while, but I know that AF's prolonged announcement of her impending arrival is a part of that. I'm retaining a lot of water. Oh, and I was able to donate blood again! Yay! That's two donations in a row where I had good iron counts (and I had really good blood pressure too!).
Looking Forward To Next Week - My Beloved is going to take Friday off, using some of his banked overtime. The wee-ling's are going for haircuts, which is always fun. And I WILL make some progress on my spring cleaning.
Thankful For - Being able to go out with the girls. I really needed some good conversation and wine this week, and last night I was able to get both. We went and saw the Hobbit at the discount theater (we had all seen it together on opening night, but we were sitting so close to the screen that it wasn't a great experience), and then out for drinks and nibbles. It was really nice.
What's on your wish list right now? A new enameled cast iron dutch oven/soup pot. Mine is woefully stained from doing coffee braised roast beef, and the handle on the lid broke ages ago so it makes things a bit tricky when removing the lid. I seriously long for Le Creuset.
This was posted as a part of Carla's Sunday Night Chit Chat. Please pop over and check out what the others are chatting about tonight.
I know it's been a while. A long while. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and haven't really felt like I've had much of anything worthwhile to say. But now, after a week of sunshine and warm temps that have the huge mounds of snow in retreat, I'm beginning to feel a bit better about things. My eagerness for spring to get here always makes the dregs of winter a bit unbearable.
We seemed to have a stretch of bad luck for a while that didn't help my overall outlook. My Beloved and I were in a car accident (no one was injured, thank Heaven) that caused more than $5000 damage to Tilly the Toyota. I've had issues with AF, coming both late and early, with extended stretches of my PMS symptoms which makes things very uncomfortable (seriously, this month my PMS symptoms started right after ovulation and have just gotten more and more intense each day). My back and bo.obs are killing me, I've had a lot of IBS flares, and I'm not the most pleasant person to be around. And then to top it all off, on Friday night when I was doing my grocery shopping, I dropped my phone (only had it since December) and the glass totally cracked and spidered. It's going to cost almost $300 to fix it. The touch screen still works, but I'm hesitant to use it much until we can afford to fix it.
Things, however, are not all bad.
Pippin is a part of what has me feeling better about things in general. While he still isn't talking, there have been some great steps forward. He used his first hand sign (he said "No" to my Beloved just over a week ago), and often will actually say "buh-buh" and wave when one of us leaves. He claps a lot, does this funny little stomp-shuffle thing whenever I say "dancin'?" to him. He now can point out his ears and his toes when asked, and he is generally a lot more vocal than he was a month ago. Still a very long way to go, but it gives me hope that the road might not be quite as long as I originally thought.
Ginny also had a big accomplishment this week. She has been a thumb-sucker almost from the get-go. I remember when she was very small she would put her thumb in her mouth, with her palm to her nose, and tap her fingertips on her forehead. It was adorable. But a three year old who sucks her thumb isn't quite as adorable. We have been working on 'no thumbs' for a while now, and this past week she went all week without sucking her thumb during the day (at night will take longer, I know). As a reward for working so hard, she and I had a date-day yesterday. We ran some errands together, went to a 'grown-up' restaurant (Denny's) where she got to have pancakes for lunch which she thought was amazing, did a little shopping (got her some rubber boots so she can splash in the puddles), and then went to a little cupcake bakery for a treat.
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Yum! Mint Chocolate! |
Reading - Right now I'm reading a Downton-esque novel called "The American Heiress". I only just started it, so I have high hopes for it. I just finished "The Dressmaker", a novel which follows the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic. The main character is a wannabe designer who works as a pseudo-secretary for Lady Duff Gordon (infamously the one woman in the lifeboat with only 12 passengers when it could have held 50). The story about the inquiries and the public outcry after the Titanic sunk was fascinating, but the romantic parts were a bit weak in my estimation (3 out of 5 hairy hobbit-toes).
Watching - Being Sunday, and no Downton for a very long time, I will be watching Once Upon A Time. I may also record Resurrection. We'll see what happens.
Listening To - Pippin is playing with his remote control car that keeps saying "I'm a little racer." Over, and over, and over, and over, and... you get the idea.
Cooking/Baking - Lots of good things on the menu this week. Tonight is Italian pot roast with mashed taters, roasted green beans, and Yorkshire puddings. Tomorrow night is true Shepherds' Pie (made with lamb!) and mint chocolate chip ice cream pie, in honour of St. Patty's day. Later in the week I'm making chicken paprikash (my special 1/2 birthday gift to myself).
Happy I Accomplished This Week - Got in 5 days of work outs. Yay! The scale hasn't moved in a while, but I know that AF's prolonged announcement of her impending arrival is a part of that. I'm retaining a lot of water. Oh, and I was able to donate blood again! Yay! That's two donations in a row where I had good iron counts (and I had really good blood pressure too!).
Looking Forward To Next Week - My Beloved is going to take Friday off, using some of his banked overtime. The wee-ling's are going for haircuts, which is always fun. And I WILL make some progress on my spring cleaning.
Thankful For - Being able to go out with the girls. I really needed some good conversation and wine this week, and last night I was able to get both. We went and saw the Hobbit at the discount theater (we had all seen it together on opening night, but we were sitting so close to the screen that it wasn't a great experience), and then out for drinks and nibbles. It was really nice.
What's on your wish list right now? A new enameled cast iron dutch oven/soup pot. Mine is woefully stained from doing coffee braised roast beef, and the handle on the lid broke ages ago so it makes things a bit tricky when removing the lid. I seriously long for Le Creuset.
This was posted as a part of Carla's Sunday Night Chit Chat. Please pop over and check out what the others are chatting about tonight.
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